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Purchasing a new computer?

Recommendations for choosing a new computer for your studies

This guide is intended for students at AAU, who are considering buying a new computer in connection with their studies. Before purchasing a new computer, it is a good idea to make sure that it will function with the requirements made by AAU. You may for example be required to install various software on your computer in connection with examinations and lectures.

Purchasing a new computer?

Recommendations for choosing a new computer for your studies

This guide is intended for students at AAU, who are considering buying a new computer in connection with their studies. Before purchasing a new computer, it is a good idea to make sure that it will function with the requirements made by AAU. You may for example be required to install various software on your computer in connection with examinations and lectures.

Are you considering getting a new computer? 

Then you must be aware of the recommendations and minimum requirements below. These are formulated to ensure that you can use your IT equipment in connection with lectures and Digital Examination at AAU. 

Recommended minimum requirements for students’ computers: 

  • Operating system: Windows 10 or macOS 10.15 or later 
  • Must have an integrated web camera or otherwise you have to buy a webcam separately  
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM 
  • Data storage: 256 GB

You should also consider the following